
Entry List Update for STAGE 5 Hawaii Aug. 20, 2014

Leonard Gates

Entry spots for AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 5 Hawaii is filling up and the event date is closing in! 40 entries so far and more players are registering every day! Check out the current entry list as of Aug. 20th!

View the entry list of STAGE 5 Hwaii

Tournament Location
Hawaiian Brian's
Tournament Dates
August 1: SHOOT OUT Round
August 2: AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 5 Tournament Round
August 3: Operator's In-House Tournament
Entry Fee
DARTSLIVE Premium Member: $75
DARTSLIVE Standard Member: $100
Non-DARTSLIVE Member: $125

Win limited AMERICA'S TOUR gift bag at each STAGE At each STAGE of this year's AMERICA'S TOUR, all players and audience who has a DARTSLIVE CARD can join a lucky draw to have a chance of winning a limited AMERICA'S TOUR gift bag. The gift bag contains;

2) AMERICA'S TOUR Travel Mug
3) AMERICA'S TOUR Rally Towel
4) AMERICA'S TOUR Button Badge
5) DARTSLIVE Sunglass
6) DARTSLIVE Drawstring Bag

Visit AMERICA'S TOUR and win the exlusive AMERICA'S TOUR THEME only available at each venue
This year's AMERICA'S TOUR is providing a State THEME for each of the State to host AMERICA'S TOUR. The State THEME can be acquiered by registering your Home Shop of your DARTSLIVE CARD or playing a game with your DARTSLIVE CARD at the venue.

Media Gallery Update: STAGE 4 Wisconsin Aug. 8, 2014

Leonard Gates

Photos from AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 Wisconsin is now available at our Media Gallery. If you were not at STAGE 4, you can experience all of AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 moments at the Media Gallery!

Go to STAGE 4 Media Gallery

The highlight video of STAGE 4 will be posted soon so stay tuned!

Come visit the Official Official AMERICA'S TOUR Facebook Page for Elite 8 interview videos and more!

Results For AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 Is In! Aug. 4, 2014

Leonard Gates

AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 was intense! Exceptional darts, a new record, and a new Champion!

92 Players entered STAGE 4 Wisconsin at the Badger Bowl on Aug. 1st through 3rd.

Alex Reyes won the STAGE 4 SHOOT OUT Challenge with the score of 9984 points followed by Ram Guevara Jr. with 9391 points and Chris White with 9168 points!

Spectators watched other players throw amazing darts all day long as soon as the tournament began.

An incredible showdown was displayed in the semi-finals between Benjamin Dersch and Alex Reyes as they dueled each other on Cricket to see who can achieve the highest score and the aiming for the 3 in the beds. Spectators were amazed in the semi-final between Leonard Gates and Bob Hudzik with matches that was nothing less than exceptional

Alex Reyes and Leonard Gates met in the finals to show what a Texan match was all about.

Darts flew keeping spectators on their toes until the 7th and final leg. In the end, Leonard Gates became Champion of STAGE 4 with his first win for AMERICA'S TOUR, followed by Alex Reyes as 1st Runner-Up!

After STAGE 4, a new record was made as Ray Carver has achieved the most consecutive placement in the Elite 8 for AMERICA'S TOUR. In the Annual Point Ranking, Benjamin Dersch and Ray Carver is tied in first place with 33 Points, Ramiro Guevara and Leonard Gates is tied in 2nd place with 32 Points while the 2013 overall Champion Larry Butler is currently in 4th place.

STAGE 5 Hawaii will be held at Hawaiian Brian's hosted by Leisure Games. STAGE 5 Hawaii entry is still open so come register today!

Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 5 Hawaii

Come and visit us on our Official AMERICA'S TOUR Facebook Page for all the photos from STAGE 4.

Entry List Update for STAGE 4 Wisconsin July. 31, 2014

America's Tour

Entry progress of STAGE 4 Wisconsin
We are pleased to announce the entry progress for STAGE 4 Wisconsin as of July 29th. 96 players have currently entered for STAGE 4 since the entry started. 32 spots are still available for STAGE 4. The entry is scheduled to be closed on July 30th or once the number of participants reaches 128 players. STAGE 4 well be held at Badger Bowl from August 1st to 3rd.Below are the schedule for the weekend.

The entry for STAGE 5 Hawaii is also available at the same time. The entry for STAGE 5 is scheduled to be closed on August 25.

View the entry list of STAGE 4 Wisconsin

Tournament Location
Badger Bowl
Tournament Dates
August 1: SHOOT OUT Round
August 2: AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 Tournament Round
August 3: Operator's In-House Tournament
Entry Fee
DARTSLIVE Premium Member: $75
DARTSLIVE Standard Member: $100
Non-DARTSLIVE Member: $125

Win limited AMERICA'S TOUR gift bag at each STAGE
At each STAGE of this year's AMERICA'S TOUR, all players and audience who has a DARTSLIVE CARD can join a lucky draw to have a chance of winning a limited AMERICA'S TOUR gift bag. The gift bag contains;

2) AMERICA'S TOUR Travel Mug
3) AMERICA'S TOUR Rally Towel
4) AMERICA'S TOUR Button Badge
5) DARTSLIVE Sunglass
6) DARTSLIVE Drawstring Bag

The image is a sample.

Visit AMERICA'S TOUR and win the exlusive AMERICA'S TOUR THEME only available at each venue
This year's AMERICA'S TOUR is providing a State THEME for each of the State to host AMERICA'S TOUR. The State THEME can be acquiered by registering your Home Shop of your DARTSLIVE CARD or playing a game with your DARTSLIVE CARD at the venue.

Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 5 Hawaii

Media Gallery Update: STAGE 3 Washington July. 28, 2014

America's Tour

Highlight video and photos from AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 Washington is now available at our Media Gallery. If you were not at STAGE 3, you can experience the atmosphere of AMERICA'S TOUR at the gallery!

Go to STAGE 3 Media Gallery

Entry list update for STAGE 4 Wisconsin July. 18, 2014

America's Tour

Entry spots for AMERICAS TOUR STAGE 4 is filling up quick! 53 entries so far and more players are registering every day! Check out the current entry list as of July 17!

View the entry list of STAGE 4 Wisconsin

The first half of AMERICA'S TOUR is over with Ramiro Guevara Jr. taking the lead on the Annual Ranking followed by Ray Carver, Larry Butler, and Benjamin Dersch! Anyone with a DARTSLIVE Card can still have a chance to be on top of those players! Don’t miss your chance!!

Tournament Location
Badger Bowl
Tournament Dates
August 1: SHOOT OUT Round
August 2: AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 4 Tournament Round
August 3: Operator's In-House Tournament
Entry Fee
DARTSLIVE Premium Member: $75
DARTSLIVE Standard Member: $100
Non-DARTSLIVE Member: $125
To go directly to the entry page, please click here

Tournament result of STAGE 3 Washington and Annual Point Ranking update July. 13, 2014

Paul Lim

AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 Washington was held at Swinomish Casion & Lodge from July 11th to 13th. A total of 66 players participated in STAGE 3 to win their "Road to Glory".

On the SHOOT OUT Round held on July 11th (Fri), Alex Reyes (Texas) lead all participants with 9841 points to secure the #1 seeding spot for the Tournament Round. The competition of the SHOOT OUT Round became extremely fierce, as the points difference between #1 and #2 was less than 50 points and there were a total of 6 players who've scored more than 9,000 points including A.Reyes. Following A.Reyes, DJ Sayre (Ohio) won the #2 seeding spot with 9799 points, Shaun Narain (Alberta, CA) ranked as #3 with 9,638 points, Eugenio Cano (Washington) as #4 with 9601 points, Rich Sutton (Washington) as #5 with 9335 points and Paul Lim (California) as #6 with 9142 points.

The Tournament Round was held on July 12th (Sat). Much intensity was felt as the room saw the grueling final match between Paul Lim and Ray Carver (Ohio). Although this was the second STAGE which Paul Lim took part since 2013's STAGE 1, by winning the final 7th leg, Paul became the winner of STAGE 3.
Following P.Lim and R.Carver, David Fatum (Phoenix), Benny Dersch (Wisconsin), Alex Reyes, DJ Sayre Jr, Shaun Narain and Chris White (California) became the Elite 8 of STAGE 3.

Stage 3 winner Paul Lim

The Annual Point Ranking is now updated according to the result from STAGE 3. Among all players, Ramiro Guevara Jr (Texas) stays a top with 28 points, follewed by Ray Carver (27 points) and Larry Butler (25 points).

Entry period of STAGE 4 & 5 is now available

The entry period of STAGE 4 Wisconsin and STAGE 5 Hawaii has opened from this very day. STAGE 4 Wisconsin will be held at Badger Bowl from August 1st to 3rd. STAGE 5 Hawaii will be held at Hawaiian Brian's August 29th to 31st. The entry of both STAGES will be closed once the number of participants reaches 128 players.

Friday night will be the SHOOT OUT Round for seedings, Saturday will be AMERICA'S TOUR Tournament Round and Sunday will be Operator's House Tournament. *Information of the side events for STAGE 4 & 5 will be updated on our official website and Facebook page.

Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 4 Wisconsin Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 5 Hawaii

Entry list update for STAGE 3 Wasington July. 11, 2014

America's Tour

We are pleased to annouce the latest entry list of STAGE 3 Washington. 69 players have currently entered for STAGE 3. The online entry has closed today, but entries at the venue will also be available. STAGE 3 will be held at Swinomish Casino & Lodge from July 11th to 13th.

View the entry list of STAGE 3 Washington

Entry period of STAGE 4 & 5 is now available
The entry period of STAGE 4 Wisconsin and STAGE 5 Hawaii has opened from this very day. STAGE 4 Wisconsin will be held at Badger Bowl from August 1st to 3rd. STAGE 5 Hawaii will be held at Hawaiian Brian's August 29th to 31st. The entry of both STAGES will be closed once the number of participants reaches 128 players.

Friday night will be the SHOOT OUT Round for seedings, Saturday will be AMERICA'S TOUR Tournament Round and Sunday will be Operator's House Tournament. *Information of the side events for STAGE 4 & 5 will be updated on our official website and Facebook page.

Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 4 Wisconsin Go directly to the entry page of STAGE 5 Hawaii

AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 entry period is coming to a close by July 8th! June. 26, 2014

America's Tour

AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 entry period is coming to a close by July 8th!

You better get your entry quick since it will be filling up quick as AMERICA'S TOUR approaches!

Tournament Location
Swinomish Casino & Lodge
Tournament Dates
June 11: SHOOT OUT Round
June 12: AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 Tournament Round
June 13: Operator's In-House Tournament
Entry Fee
DARTSLIVE Premium Member: $75
DARTSLIVE Standard Member: $100
Non-DARTSLIVE Member: $125

All Entrants for STAGE 3 will be recieving a special AMERICA'S TOUR STAGE 3 THEME at the event when you play on our DARTSLIVE board!

State THEME to be released for each STAGE of AMERICA'S TOUR 2014

Entry list update for STAGE 3 Wasington June. 19, 2014

America's Tour

We are pleased to announce the entry progress for STAGE 3 Wasington. 47 players have currently entered for STAGE 3 since the entry opened on June 5. 81 spots are still available for STAGE 3 Washington.

STAGE 3 well be held at Swinomish Casino & Lodge from July 11th to 13th. Friday night (June 11) will be the SHOOT OUT Round for seedings, Saturday will be AMERICA'S TOUR Tournament Round and Sunday will be Operator's House Tournament. *The entry will be closed when the participants reach 128 players.

View the entry list of STAGE 3 Washington
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